Monday, September 1, 2008

Just feel like expressing my thoughts

Hey dear friends,
Now can feel the work pilling up... I'm trusting Abba to bring me thru day by day... just feel like writing something and i'll be quick.
Just wanna say that I really feel that confessing God's word and speaking God's promises really helps me to go thru the day. if there is anything to be stubborn about, it is to know that God's Word is true, even if we dont see the manifestation yet. Continue to claim God's promises for our life. Dont let other people's experiences or even our own experiences dictate what we can recieve from Him. Pastor said before, the Word of God shouldnt be brought down to our level of experience but we should let our experience measure up to God's Word. Meaning that if we have been believing God for something but we still cant see the results, doesnt mean the promises of God is not true for us or only a selected few can recieve them. If you have a sickness that has affected u for a long time already, Daddy God wants you to be well and whole. For me its my sweaty palms and my pimples.. haha.. dont laugh... Whatever your need, Jesus will supply. Claim it, everyday in faith.
His favour is upon you and because He dwells in you, u are a success! Amen! Blessings will chase after u because of Christ in you. Jesus is the fifth cubit, He is everything that we try to achieve based on our works/flesh but cannot.
Jesus, you are my saviour. I cannot but u can... I have to depend totally on u already cos im at a lost as to what to do. I cannot cope with my studies, You'll have to save me.. I cannot cope with my peers, they are so much smarter than me, Dad, u are my wisdom. When im lonely, u are there. When i am afraid, u comfort me. Jesus, you are more than enough for me.
watch what Jesus will do... our situation will start to turn around for good before we even realise. Jesus, I trust in your Word. After all, He has already brought us so far....
Sorry, what i write is in a mess :) Share a song that i like :)


ongsheryL said...

haha.Charles.yay, thanks for the post.yepyep! keep believing n have faith even though e triumph isn't here yet.very impt to be constantly reminded of God's promises for each one of us.=)

Anonymous said...

thanks for he timely reminder.=] i was kind of like settled on the thought that "mans so much to confess to get my blessings." but thanks for the timely reminder charles, ALL that He is i ALREADY am and ALREADY HAVE!!

"Jesus i cant cope with my studies, but You can so you save me. Thank You!"

kailin.charmian said...

i didn't laugh, i didn't!

haha okay i nearly did when i read where you typed "don't laugh".

and that wasn't a mess, so what are you apologising for? i thought it was good stuff. :)

Wu Xin said...

Haha.. well, at least I thought it was in a mess...
Man I liked what Ps prince said on sunday...
Last time I always thought Jesus heals sometimes, and sometimes he doesn't... You're too never sure...
Jesus heals ALL THE TIME!!! Woohooooo :)
Healing is MINE!