Sunday, March 23, 2008

Our very first entry

Hi jc south! We finally have a blog! yay. Its still very new and im sure, still has a looong way to go. So.. i will need all your email addresses that you use for blogger so that i can add you as a contributor to this blog (tt means you can post!), and if you have any IT skills you can change the template.. etc etc.

SO what is this blog for?
Well, i thought it would be nice if we share a blog where we can put up pics, thoughts and rants on ALL the things we do together! Such that maybe 10 years down the road we can still talk about .. the day we laughed at a v. funny email from our leader orrr a really random unexplainable pic that six people actually posed for. wouldnt it be nice to look at how blessed we looked in our late-teenage early-aduthood days when we're old (thats if blogger is still around)? Also, it'll be a place for people who did not turn up catch up on whats happening/what they have missed. And not to mention.. to document how we've all grown from glory to glory in the Lord.. and the Godly alliance we've built with our fellow sisters and brothers in Christ.

the reasons are aplenty, and im sure the desire to start this blog will have a really good purpose that i may not be aware of.. SO, into His hands i place this blog. may it be a blessing for all!

Alright.. Jc southies! feel free to change anything, and tell me your email add! (post in comments till someone/ i get a tagboard)


Anonymous said...

my email, as you ALL know, is hahaha

John Gabriel said...

Haha. Thanks for putting up the blog, Yan. Please add

clarice said...

hey yan! thanks for creating this blog! email add is yoooo (: cheers!

ongsheryL said...

Harlowharlow Yang Yan!!! sheryL here. Thanks so much for this blogg! so cool lar. haha. oh ya, my email add is TYTY! JCsouth rocks big time~ =D

Anonymous said...

hey peepos! i was thinking right, why not we ALL contact those we know from the cg and add them? cuz not everyone knows about the blog yet=] hmmm maybe we can use the befriender's system or something?=]

Wu Xin said...

Hi Yan. mine is
Super cool and exciting... i can't wait to see how our blog will 'grow'... if i can say that.

PrInCe [용은] said...

yay yay! haha oi why like copy my blog add harh.. haha nvm i allow u all to use it since I'm the original Jesus beloved anws.. haha beloved-joel :)

{kt} said...

Hey Yan! thanks for creating the blog! So cool! :) my email add is yupyup. thanks again! :)

YaN! said...

THANKS for all your replies!! i've added. rmb to accept :)

Anonymous said...

hey yan! who did the layout IT ROCKS MUCH BETTER THAN MY SOCKS!!! hahahaha AWESOME CAN!! this blog isWAY BETTER than online shopping!! wahahahhaa