Hey beloved southies, i'm back with the edited version of my post.Reason being, i cant share my favourite bible characters without giving my all. Previously when i was blogging, i was trying to withhold some things that are very personal to me.i was just blogging plainly for the sake of it. But after i blogged i felt so dry about it because it was this journey Jesus took with me that made me love both
David and Benjamin so much! So here is the uncensored version.=]
Here's the reason why i like David so much-because i see myself(not just a part of me, but WHOLE ENTIRE ME) whenever i read the story of David in the bible! There was this passage in the bible that King Saul's servant described David as.(see below)
1Samuel 16:18
Then one of the servants answered and said, “Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is
skillful in playing, a mighty man of valor, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome person; and the LORD is with him.”
As we all know, the "handsome goodlookin part" describes all of us. haha. BUT what really struck me was
David was SKILLFUL in playing the harp. He was a MIGHTY MAN OF VALOR and a MAN OF WAR. to me, that describes me SO PERFECTLY. As a person who loves to worship Daddy God with songs and music, it has always been in my heart to sing my best with the best my voice can give, for the Lord. and i must say i'm not there to be called skillful yet, but each step of the way i saw my vocal skills improving , when i desire to not to make mistakes simply because i want to give my best to Daddy God. And i really believe this is not coincidental because the Scriptures did say
1samuel 16:7
But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at his physical stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees;
for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.” So i really really believe it's Daddy God who sees my heart and answers my slient prayer!=]Secondly, David was described as a man of VALOR.
Valor means to have COURAGE and BOLDNESS in battles! David was a man with COURAGE AND BOLDNESS IN BATTLES. HE WAS FEARLESS!!.=] that really really rings in my heart because i really believe
Daddy has created ME and EACH of YOU here to be BOLD and COURAGEOUS, to be FEARLESS in life!!=]i'm not saying i have courage and boldness in every area of my life here. there are many areas which i still need Daddy God to cast out the fears in my heart. But knowing me, you'll know i'm the kind of person whom when i'm entrusted with something, or involved in things that i'm really passionate about and i really really like, i'll go all out for it with full steam of energy, life and enthusiasm. i wouldnt care what are the obstacles i'm just gonna knock them down one by one.and this is only by the grace of God that i can do so because He is the one who created me to be like that and He is the one who puts His POWER in my passion. and this power of His cause me to be FEARLESS to go all out and do my best! So this part about David really resembles a little bit of me.=]
As if that has convicted me enough, the third description of David literally drove me high on the spirit. when i saw it i cant help exclaiming 'OH MY GOD, GOD!! David is SOOOOOOOOOOO like me!". David was a man of WAR. tell you guys something, ever since young i'm super duper competitive. whatever i take part in, be it games or events or competitions, i'll wanna win. not just win but i wanna be the FIRST!i wanna beat the rest! Even when i fought with my brother and he gave me a punch on my arm which nearly dislocated my arm, i still fought back by scratching him with my long nails till he bled. I grew up with an attitude of "i want all my enemies and rivals defeated and all UNDER ME!" But as i grew up seeing how other girls behaved, i've always wondered if i were a mistake from God, even up till recently! i felt like i was a guy trapped in a girl's body simply because i was so competitive. Because "Daddy God! where on earth girls are so competitive!? arent they suppose to be demure? that's so not me lah!" But thanks be to Daddy God that He 's so gracious! As i was reading this book called
Captivating, the author actually describes women of God as WARRRIOR PRINCESSES!She mentioned that women are made to be warriors of God too!! not just men alone!! That SOOO comforted me because Daddy God actually confirmed what he told me in the Spirit- that He has given me a WARRIOR SPIRIT just like David!! A SPIRIT that DARES to wage war with the wimpy devil through worship and His Word!! DARES to come against it with Jesus's finished work ON THE CROSS!!This Warrior Spirit gives an attitude that cause me to desire to REIGN above my enemies, REIGN above my circumstances and be the one IN CHARGE instead!! =]=]=]and trust me, the person who is reading this right now, YOU have that too=]
So i'm really really convinced right now that Daddy GOd has made me a WOMAN DAVID!!=]=]=]
And not just that, David is the bible character Daddy God uses to show me who He wants to mould me into!
He wants to mould me into a REAL person, a REAL woman to be exact. A person who is REAL is when he or she shares, you'll find credibilty in them. Simply because, whatever they share is OUT OF THE HEART,out of their own journey with the Lord and revelations which The Lord has convicted them of. When they share, you'll feel their excitement, you feel what they feel.You sense stablity, you sense strength and you can sense POWER coming forth from their words, simply because they speak OUT OF CONVICTION.That's why i like David!! David is a person SO SO SO REAL wth God!! When you read his psalms, you'll find him coming to God AS REAL AS HIMSELF! He goes into God's presense, to God's holy throne JUST AS HE IS - ALL VULNERABLE and NOTHING HIDDEN. And that TRUELY speaks of INTIMACY with Jesus! no wonder he is called "the man after God's own heart" by God Himself (Acts 13:22). The reason why so is because David KNEW God's tender heart of mercy. He KNEW what God desires and he met it, by simply DRAWING NEAR to Daddy God JUST AS HE IS- as the forgotten shepherd boy (1 samuel 16:11), as the youth with much zeal with he met goliath (1samuel 17:45,46), as the hunted-down- stressed out wanted man (1samuel21:10), as the failed leader of his mighty men (1 samuel 30:6), the sinner who committed adultery with Uriah's wife(2samuel 11:4). David came to God just as David Himself, with a FULL WRECKAGE of his emotions. But above all, he came to God knowing God's heart! He is REAL with God!! You CANNOT know God's heart without being REAL with God!!!And because David was real with God, that was the reason why he could call on GOd so BOLDLY and SPEEDILY when he met goliath!(1samuel 17:45) that's why he could strengthened himself in the Lord when he lived as though he had NO God for one and a half years in Zig Lag (1 samuel 30:6). that is the reason why David could DARINGLY pleaded with The Lord after realising his mistake to commit adultery. (2samuel 12:12,16) and after which when he received his punishment, he could put away his sack cloth and immediately worship the Lord still! (2samuel 12:30). David KNEW God's heart is a heart of tender mercies and loving kindness!(Psalm 103:4).And this knowing came out of the quiet times, most trying times he spent with the Lord. (Psalm 23 and Psalm69). Because he was REAL and vulnerable to God, God became REAL in his life and God was able to touch David's heart and impart STRENGTH to him in his time of weaknesses.As a result David was able to be REAL before men, when he danced before The Lord with ALL his might, DESPITE the opinions of others!(2sam6:14)And that is the kind of person i've always endeavoured to be!! The Beloved of The Lord who is REAL with a ZEAL for her Abba Father!!!=]=]=]Be blessed peepos!!!