Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Arrow Camp

Day 3!! (sorry took so long! the thought of uploading the pics for the most eventful day was overwhelming. haha)

quiet time in the morning. i think its a brilliant idea to instill such "godly habits". i actually like it, and still try to keep that habit even after camp. u guys should try it, wake up early in the morning to read the bible.. etc. you cant help but be reminded about god's love and grace throughout the day..

Breakfast!! as usual, the spread of good stuff..

kailin is not hungry. haha.

awesome service then its lunch!! this is how well fed we are. eat and eat and eat. haha

yay Games in the afternoon..

the clues and instructions as to where to go. and on the right, out first station.

didnt take pics for the very wet second station. but i learned a lot from that. the act of physically shielding the quotes from the bible that was kept close to the body instill the need to also keep the word of god close to oneself and not let it be attacked and destroyed. very good game!!

hunting for jewels in the sand!

the soapy lemony dizzy game. fun. haha.
the 'holy spirit' game.

while walking to the next station i was so impressed as i saw them preparing for the night. what a beautiful setting!! by the pool..

the game that we actually finally won!!! hurrah!!

off to shoot at the target..

tada! it reveals this poster. then we had sharing on the games at quite a scenic place. (i mean, compared to other grps who did so in the outdoor shower next to the pool? haha wayy better)

back to the room to get ready for the night! thats my next door room mate.. its great to open the connecting door! cos they were like.. the only new ppl i met.

cant believe we actually went along with the idea.. sushis?!

after the food and performance, we went for service, but not without chilling in the rooms for a little while first. haha.
joanne was suppose to bring her jacket, but brought her pants by accident instead. haha!!

very late night sharing. good to end the camp with..

- end of day 3-

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